Trang thông tin điện tử

Huyện Lý Sơn

Termination of operation of branches, representative offices and business locations for single-member limited liability companies (the owner is an organization) (in economic zones)

Issue agency
Loại thủ tục
Profile number 11
How to perform
Time limit for settlement
Object made
Direct implementing agency
Address to receive records
Legal grounds of administrative procedures
The competent authority decides
Authorized agency
Coordinating agency
Fees Array
Documents regulating fees
Status valid Valid
Valid from No account found with this number.
Experiation date No account found with this number.
Scope of application
The order of execution
Component profile
Number of sets of records
Mẫu đơn, mẫu tờ khai
Mẫu đơn, mẫu tờ khai Regulatory text
No. Name of administrative procedures Issue agency
Requirements or conditions for conducting administrative procedures